telc German exam

Get your recognized German certificate with Learn and Speak Leipzig

Information and dates for the telc German exam in Leipzig

A telc certificate opens new doors for your studies, career and everyday life in German-speaking countries.

This German exam is internationally recognized by universities, companies and other official bodies.


Learn and Speak, your language school in Leipzig, is an authorized telc test center.


With us, you can take your telc exam for German and prove your German language skills at all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). telc exams are recognized throughout Europe and prove your competencies in the areas of

  • writing,
  • reading,
  • speaking and
  • listening.


We offer telc exams at all levels from A1 to C1 (if you wish, even for C2, just contact us!).

Show us what you can do and take your telc exam with us!

By the way: You can also take a telc exam for English with us.


Dates for telc German Examinations

You are also welcome to make an individual appointment for your German telc  exam. Please contact us at least 2-3 weeks before the desired date.


telc A1 Examination for German: Information

Contents of the telc A1 exam

At level A1, you are able to communicate in a simple way about topics such as eating and drinking, shopping and living.

You can also introduce yourself and ask the person you are speaking to by name.

You already use first simple grammatical structures.


telc A1 Exam: Exam components and procedure

The exam consists of a

  • written (listening, reading and writing)
  • and an oral part.

It takes a total of 76 minutes.

You take the oral exam directly after the written part.


Examination dates for taking your telc German A1 exam

This exam is suitable for learners of German who have already taken 150 to 200 hours of German lessons.

It is aimed at anyone who needs to officially prove simple language skills, such as for family reunification.


Contact us now to receive information on your telc German A1 exam


telc A2 Examination for German

Contents of the telc A2 exam

At level A2, you can already communicate confidently in everyday situations and hold short conversations.

You use simple grammatical structures correctly.


telc A2 exam: Exam components and procedure

The examination consists of a written part (listening, reading and writing) and an oral part and lasts 85 minutes.

You take the oral exam directly after the written part.


Examination dates for taking your telc German A2 examination

telc German A2 is a general language examination. You should have attended approximately 300 to 400 hours of instruction.


Contact us to register!


telc B1 Examination for German

Contents of the telc B1 exam

At level B1, you can communicate confidently and coherently when traveling and in everyday life.

You can talk about your own interests, report on experiences and justify and defend your opinions.

You are able to use the most important grammatical structures correctly.


telc B1 Examination: Examination components and procedure

The exam consists of a written and an oral part.

The written part lasts 2.5 hours and includes the subtests

  • reading comprehension and language components (90 minutes),
  • listening comprehension (30 minutes) and
  • written expression (30 minutes).

The oral exam usually takes place the next day after the written exam and is usually taken as a paired exam (15 minutes).


Examination dates for taking your telc German B1 exam

The certificate telc German B1 is right for you if you already have a basic knowledge of German.

The certificate is recognized as proof for naturalization in Germany.

Note: You can also take the Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (DTZ) A2-B1 with us.


Show dates for telc German B1 exams


Do you have questions about a telc exam, or are you looking for a German language course in Leipzig?

Contact us now, and we will be happy to help you!


telc B2 Examination for German

Contents of the telc B2 exam in Leipzig

At level B2, you are able to express yourself clearly and in detail. You can also negotiate and argue successfully. You already have a large vocabulary in your subject area as well as on most general topics. You also have a good command of more complex grammatical structures.


telc B2 Exam: Exam components and procedure

The telc B2 examination consists of a written and an oral part.

The written part takes 2 hours and 20 minutes.

You can achieve a maximum of 225 points, which are distributed among the following subtests:

  • Reading comprehension and language modules (90 minutes)
  • listening comprehension (20 minutes)
  • written expression (30 minutes)

The oral exam lasts 15 minutes, for which you will be given 20 minutes of preparation time.


Examination dates for taking your telc German B2 examination

To take the telc Deutsch B2 exam, you should have a general knowledge of German at an advanced level. The certificate is often required to enter the professional world.

Show dates for telc German B2 exams at Learn and Speak


telc C1 Examination for German: Information

Contents of the telc C1 exam

The C1 language level  includes the ability to express yourself spontaneously and fluently in German.

You know colloquial expressions and can adapt the style of speech to the situation at hand.

You also have a command of very complex grammatical structures.


telc C1 Examination: Examination Components and Procedure

The telc C1 examination consists of a written and an oral part.

The written part lasts 3 hours and 40 minutes and includes the subtests

  • Reading comprehension (90 minutes),
  • listening comprehension (40 minutes),
  • written expression (70 minutes)
  • and a 20-minute break.

The oral exam usually takes place with 2 or 3 participants and lasts between 16 and 24 minutes.


Examination dates for taking your telc German C1 exam

The telc German C1 exam certifies your general language skills at a very advanced level.

Note: You can also take the telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule exam with us. This examination format is aimed at participants who wish to study at a German university, are already studying, or are employed in an academic profession.


Show dates for telc C1 exams


Repeating parts of the exam

Important: If you have not passed one of the two parts of the exam, i.e. the oral or written part, you may retake it individually within one year of the date on which the result sheet was issued.

This applies to levels B1, B2, C1 and C2. Only in the case of a scaled examination, such as DTZ A2-B1, do you have to repeat the entire examination again.


Registration for the telc German exam

Would you like to register for your telc examination in German? Great!

Please contact us by e-mail, phone or via our contact form and make an appointment with our staff member, Ms. Phuong Thao Do Thi, for your registration.

Of course, you will also receive all the information you need for contactless registration.


Contact us now! We are looking forward to meeting you!


telc German exams

Olha Marakhovska
Phone: +49 341 222 88 77-18



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Contact us - by phone at +49 341 2228877-0, by e-mail or simply use our contact form.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Note: You can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future by sending an e-mail to the selected center.
