Subsidized German courses, education voucher, ...

State-subsidized continuing vocational education

Subsidised programmes for private customers: Attractive continuing education for your job!

Language courses are an ideal opportunity for your personal advancement:

  • You increase your chances on the job market.
  • You qualify for more demanding tasks in your job or for a promotion.
  • You can use new or deepened language skills not only professionally, but also privately.

The state gives you financial incentives to facilitate your further education.


Learn and Speak Leipzig is your ideal partner in this process:

  • We are a certified continuing education institute.
  • As a provider of business languages for companies, we are integrated into the Logistics in Central Germany network.
  • We are cooperation partners of educational institutions in the fields of:
    • Technology,
    • logistics,
    • commercial professions,
    • nursing.

We have an above-average placement rate of over 75% of our graduates in the primary labor market.

Over 80% achieve the course goal with excellent final results (TOEIC test or telc examination).


At Learn and Speak Leipzig, you have the ideal opportunity to make the most of your subsidy!


Placement test as a prerequisite


The placement test is a prerequisite for a state-subsidized language course at Learn and Speak Leipzig.

The first step on the way to a state-supported language course is the online placement test. This can be supplemented by an on-site interview to determine suitability and the starting module.

The placement test is not an exam. It is simply to determine your language level in order to find the most suitable language course for you. This is the only way to make rapid progress and keep you motivated and having fun during your language-learning process!

For other languages, such as Portuguese, Arabic or Korean, please contact us directly - we will be happy to advise you.

The 3 most important opportunities for state-subsidized professional development:

Below we give you an overview of the 3 most important funding opportunities you can take advantage of with Learn and Speak Leipzig as your continuing education partner.

If you already know how you would like to receive funding, but are still looking for the right language course, simply contact us.


We look forward to hearing from you!

No. 1: Integration courses and vocational language courses funded by the BAMF.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) funds two types of German courses, both of which you can attend and complete at Learn and Speak Leipzig.


No. 2: Vouchers for language courses with the Federal Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit)

The Federal Employment Agency supports language courses in two ways, through the:


Both subsidies offer you a range of opportunities for personal professional development. With a language course at Learn and Speak, you will learn what is important with our native-speaking trainers. You will raise your language level within a very short time.

Attend your language course in Leipzig soon and improve your language skills in a professional context!

No. 3: Further education check - individual: Sächsische AufbauBank (SAB)

The so-called "Weiterbildungsscheck - individuell" (or "Bildungsscheck Sachsen" for short) is a subsidy for continuing vocational training for private individuals from the Sächsische AufbauBank (SAB). It is funded by the European Union (EU) and the Free State of Saxony.


The target group of the continuing education voucher are individuals with an increased need for support as far as their professional (continuing) education is concerned. These are primarily:

  • Individuals who want to (re)enter working life (e.g. unemployed non-benefit recipients),
  • Apprentices, retrainees, vocational students who are at least 18 years old, and
  • employed individuals


Funding is provided for projects of individual job-related education or further training that aim to

  • improve vocationally useful skills,
  • supplement qualifications and
  • increase employment opportunities.


Subsidy amount: The individual continuing education voucher can cover up to 80% of the continuing education costs, including examination fees.


You are responsible for submitting the application. You can reach your goal in three steps:

  • Choose the right continuing education program for you.
  • Obtain three offers from different providers.
  • Submit the application for funding along with the three offers to the Sächsische AufbauBank.

Note: If your further training costs are less than 2,600 euros (excluding VAT), you can submit the funding application with just one offer.


Detailed information on the procedure and much more can be found at Sächsische AufbauBank (SAB):

  • online (in regards to the individual continuing education check), or
  • by calling the SAB service center at 0351 4910-4930.


Would one of the funding options mentioned above be suitable for you? Do you still have any questions? Then please do not hesitate to contact us.


We will be happy to discuss your personal situation and advise you on the funding option that best suits you!

Your contact person

Vocational language courses

Zarina Kuchmezova
Phone: +49 341 222 88 77-16

"AVGS" and "Bildungsgutschein"

Anna von der Burg
Phone.: +49 341 222 88 77-14

We will be happy to advise you!

Contact us - by phone at +49 341 2228877-0, by e-mail or simply use our contact form.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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Note: You can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future by sending an e-mail to the selected center.
