Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The framework of reference provides a standard for comparison

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages makes language competencies unambiguous and comparable. For each competency (listening, reading, writing and speaking), there are detailed descriptions to show what language proficiency one has at each level.


Language levels - What can I do at each one?

The answers can be found in the framework's chart. There you can find the exact description of each of the individual linguistic levels of competency.

A 1 - Get orientation

You are able to use and understand simple sentences and everyday expressions. You are able to introduce yourself and others, as well as ask and answer questions about birthplace, family background, personal skills. You can also talk about objects or possessions in a simple manner.

A 2 - Get information

You are able to ask and answer brief questions in daily business life, make simple statements, and find your way through typical travel situations. You are able to understand clear, slow speech, even on the telephone. You can read and understand basic texts, signs and instructions, as well as fill out forms and write simple instructions.

B 1 - Participate actively

When dealing with international contacts in your area of operations, you are able to represent your company and communicate precisely as well as make nuanced statements. You are becoming increasingly confident in following discussions and phone calls. You understand standard business correspondence, reports and transcripts and are able to compose simple business texts and results protocols.

B 2 - Collaborate

In the foreign language, you convincingly highlight your professional authority. You are ready to collaborate with project participants in their native tongue and can give short presentations at a moment's notice. You can confidently follow negotiations and presentations, as well as technically-challenging phone discussions. You read and understand demanding news articles, trade magazines, and business reports.

C 1 - Manage

You feel assured when communicating with business partners in their native language and apply your high level of lingual competency successfully in every business situation. You are able to follow sophisticated negotiations at a normal pace of discussion while recognizing idiomatic subtleties. You are able to deal with documents at every level of business communication as well as independently draw up manuscripts for speeches and reports about complex issues.

C 2 - Do business effortlessly

You communicate in the foreign language as naturally as a native speaker. You have mastered the lingual nuances and participate actively and comfortably in all areas of daily business. You also feel completely confident on the telephone and are able to read and understand any document effortlessly.
